Looking back at the past year and realized how crazy it was, but what kind of made it easier to deal with is how much I grew as a person. I still have a ways to go, but I'd like to think that I made some great progress.
- Took a couple trips to West Michigan by myself to just get away from everything and loved it. It was extremely relaxing and I'm kinda wondering if the fact that I was out of cell phone range for part of it helped. (Shh...don't tell mom!) So I'm thinking that this will be something that I plan on doing every year.
- Met some crazy people who have become like another family who refuse to let me continue to be antisocial. I hate them for it sometimes, but I think that's what I love about these people.
- My grandmother's multiple hospital visits in the fall definitely threw my family for a loop and reminded me that each day is promised, but a blessing.
- I managed to shock the hell out of people and got a tattoo. Despite everything I have heard about people wanting more tattoos after their first one, I am about 99.9% sure that I am NOT one of those people! But I don't regret getting it.
- I have become a little more vocal about my own needs and have slowly, surely begun to get my point across
- I have begun to eat a little better and cut down on how much I eat out. Right now, I would like to make coffee, and maybe even meat, an occasional treat.