Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tyranny is No Match for Liberty

As I watched the President Obama's State of the Union Speech tonight, I kept getting chills for several reasons.  I mean, the speech was amazing.  The entire speech seemed as though he was talking to the public, the common people who are now thinking about whether or not he is still serious about the job.  From what I saw and heard, he is.  He wants to hold the banks and lenders responsible for their actions, hold the auto industry to a higher standard since the bailout years ago and remind the American people as well as the rest of the world that this country is still strong.  

I love that he touched on a lot of the major issues that are and will probably always be on the minds of the American people.  Education, jobs, JOBS, government spending, Jobs and energy.  He wants it to be mandatory for students to remain in school until they graduate or reach 18, for teachers to be rewarded for their work, for universities to be held accountable for their raising tuition rates that are making it hard for students to continue their education.  For community colleges to be in a better position to train and educate people as they retrain for new careers.  Each point would lead into the job market and growth.  Keeping jobs in the States and rewarding companies who bring jobs back or to the States.  

How energy needs to be another big concern...

Now that this "war on terrorism" is over, let's spend that money on repaying the debt... That would be nice.  Maybe when that's done, it could free up funds for research for alternative energy sources, education and other possibilities.

I loved that he called out everyone...not just Republicans or Democrats, but everyone.  Even people on his team.  In order to do what needs to be done, the party lines need to be forgotten.  He told the Republicans that they may not like what he's doing and that he could still get the job done.  That it would just be easier with their help.  In layman terms, "I really don't need you."  (ha!) 

One of my favorite lines was said towards the end when he says, "No one built this country on their own.  This Nation is great because we built it together."

Were there flaws in his speech?  Probably, but he answered the People's many questions.  Yeah, he pointed fingers, but he also made it a point to include himself in that as well as suggest possible solutions.

This country still has a long way to go, but maybe, just maybe, he could be the right person to get us there.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Even the Little People Matter...

I tend to forget the different opinions of the President.  Maybe its because most of the friends and family are like me and see him as a breath of fresh air since he is so normal, I guess.  Some people don't and that's okay.  That's how this country was founded and I love that.  I was reminded of what made me a fan when I saw this picture.  I think you'll agree no matter your political views.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Weekend Thoughts of 2012

As the first week of 2012 comes to a close, I finally got a chance to think about my goals, not resolutions, for 2012.  There are a few things that I would really love to do that I have more or less slacked on in the past.

  • Put myself first and consider re-evaluating my list of "friends".  If that means making cuts, then so be it.  I just don't understand why I should be the one putting in the effort to hold the so called friendship together when they aren't.  Also, knowing when to say no to obligations when I'm not feeling 100% with my friends and family or need some 'me time'.
  • I said this last year, but I need to put more effort into my writing and so far, I feel that I have.  Right now, I am sitting on 2 books, a short story and a desire to do what needs to be done.  I feel like if a former coworker can write a book and have it published, so can I!  Once this is done, I feel like MAYBE the people closest to me will take my love for writing a little more seriously.  (You know who you are.)  
  • Become the person that the people that I care about can be proud of.  Last year, my moods were all over the place.  I think part of it was because for a third of last year was so unstable and for the rest of year, I didn't know where I stood with with the people around me.
So far, I have gotten my second book where I want it and am not patiently waiting to hear back about my first book.  (I gotta admit, I wish I had been able to submit the second book. I liked the first book, but love the second.)  I've rewritten the ending and am still pacing back and forth about whether or not I should keep it.  KT Mac probably thinks I'm crazy with my rambling emails, but that's okay! 

I'm sure you're thinking that I'm being selfish with my goals, but I feel like its necessary.  I love the people that I have around me, but I feel like if I'm going to stay sane and achieve my goals, it has to happen and will later benefit the people around me.

To 2012: